Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day: Not For the Faint of Heart

I’ve been through many more Valentine’s Days as a single woman than I have as part of a couple. Let me tell you, it kind of sucks.

Valentine’s Day is about love and the color red (which I don’t like), candy and flowers and (mysteriously) heart shaped pizza. It’s commercial and loud and a bit sickening even if you are in love.

My hubby and I usually buy each other gifts for Valentine’s Day. This year we got each other movies. He has sent me roses before and I like them but I don’t demand or expect them. We always have dinner at home on the big day instead of going out to an extravagant meal. We’re kind of simple like that.

I still remember though what it’s like to not have a Valentine. To be the one who works late instead of going out, the one whose desk does not have flowers or balloons on it. For that reason, I try to not be over the top about the Red Day.
So, friends, enjoy your Valentine but be respectful of those who don’t think it’s the most wonderful time of the year. And if you’re single, do something fabulous for yourself. You totally are worth it.

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